some CD's, DVD's (on and others)



The Hall Lying in Ruin: Putting It Point-Blank Print

(“Sovetskaya Rossija”, 20 July 1986)

Lucifer’s Dream Print

The article concerns Karlheinz Stokhausen’s performances in Moscow (“Melodija”, N3/1990)

Nonconformist Print


The Most Penetrating Music of Putting-out-the Lights Time Print


Voskresen’e v ozhidanii sredy Print

(This witty essay’s title implies words’ play which cannot be possibly rendered in English: “Sunday Lying in Wait for Wednesday”; where voskresen’e (Sunday or day of the Sun) means also in Russian resurrection; and sreda (Wednesday or Wodan’s day) means also environment or milieu. Published in 2000)

About the Film “Porugan’e Patsifika” In Brief Print


In Answer to A. Patterson’s Questions Print

An original author’s version of interview by Mikhail Chekalin (November 2006)


"Poruganie Patsiphika" special interview by A. Patterson and an item on M. Chekalin himself and on his album

 Special interview by A. Patterson for “Progression Magazine” #51 Spring/Summer 2007


Some Counterpart Episodes from the Past Years and Several Past Topics Today Print

(In Addition to Previous Interview in “Hard’n’Soft” Magazine N3/2010)

Specially for “Hard’n’Soft” Magazine” No. 6, 2010 Print

...some sparse words about “Last Seasons”... also as concerns, conversationally, the 90s or the end of 90s or, for that matter, generally speaking the End... (with a mental reserve, nevertheless, that now as ever I’m a total stranger to eschatological line of ruin of the world, to this speculative delusion that is an inalienable attribute of postmodern art...)

Music and Electronic magazine #2-2001, Moscow, Russia Print

Mikhail Chekalin

"ImprovisationWork, but..." 

11. Михаил Чекалин Памяти моего друга легендарного художника- восьмидесятника Александра Куркина Print
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